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As human beings, we exist to bring glory to God and to enjoy Him forever. Therefore, it is our heartfelt desire to challenge one another to find our complete satisfaction in the only One who satisfies: the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We fulfill this purpose as we grow together in our understanding and appreciation of the Gospel --- how it is vital not only for salvation, but also for living, every day, for the rest of our lives.


We would be delighted to have you join us for any Sunday Worship Service. In addition to ascribing to God His “worth-ship”, we believe as William Temple wrote that worship means:
…to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God 
…to feed the mind with the truth of God 
…to purge the imagination by the beauty of God
…to open up the heart to the love of God 
…to devote the will to the purpose of God.

We desire to communicate who God is as clearly as possible, believing the best way to do that is by expository preaching. This means preaching through the books of the Bible one verse…one paragraph…one chapter at a time, keeping the overall message of the Bible and the context of the passage always in view. In this way, we can feast on God’s truth and grace to us in Christ through His written Word.


We also provide solid biblical teaching in Sunday School and other settings, using a variety of formats. Because the Scriptures are sufficient for all of faith and practice, and because the Holy Spirit attends God’s Word and works in believers through it, we take seriously the mandate to teach the Holy Scriptures and apply them to all of life.


As a local body of Christ, we desire to be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith in an intentional, grace centered, redemptive community. Check the church calendar for meeting times for our Care Groups (in Canyon and Amarillo), church prayer meetings, and other fellowship opportunities.


Below are links to several documents that will help you better understand several aspects of what we at Evangelical Fellowship are all about…what we think is very important:


The Cambridge Declaration (from The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals)

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

The Nashville Statement on Gender and Sexuality 

The Therapeutic Gospel, by David Powlison




ARF, the Amarillo Reformed Fellowship, is a ministerial alliance of local pastors who desire to stand "together for the gospel". Several ARF pastors began the Monthly Joint Worship Service in 2010 with the hope of seeing the churches they serve mutually encourage one another in gospel worship, service, and edification. The pastors rotate in preaching duties, as do the places where we meet. Those attending have the opportunity to hear other preachers who are "together for the gospel", and they also have the privilege to get to know, encourage, and be encouraged by the people in these other congregations. ARF also hosts a Teaching Weekend each Spring and a Fall Conference every other year. For more information or to listen to messages, please visit:



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